I woke up around 7:00, frustrated that I woke up so EARLY. I mulled around the apartment until everyone else got up. We left at 8:35 for class.
First was Hands-On Camera. We learned about lighting, such as rembrandt (which is lighting from the side), butterfly (lighting from above), and silhouettes. It was pretty cool and I actually get it a bit now. I learned that you never light full on, but always from the side. Lighting from the top makes a character seem more mysterious because it creates shadows around the eyes.
Next we had filmmaking. Our actual teacher, Eric Conner, was there today. We talked about different tastes in movies, and we also talked about directing actors. We learned how to have actors do certain things, and not just telling them to "do this".
We also talked about fexibility and other general filmmaking things.
Then I went to lunch. It was good. Sandwiches. Tasty.
Then, we went to look at costumes in the props and wardrobe department. There was a lot there. From giant scissors to underwear. Haha.
Next was editing class with Tim. He was cool, but the class was generally not that interesting because it was just going over the basics... and Tim had us editing some weird African wildlife.
After that, we went to Writing class. It was cool. I like our teacher. I'm so tired, so sorry about this crappy entry.
She talked about getting the audience hooked. We watched short films and evaluated them. It was fun. I enjoyed it. I wrote a story. Maybe I will post it later. Haha. I'll probably forget.
After dinner, I went to CityWalk with my roomies and new friends Siena and Julie. We went shopping. And ate food. Lots of food. I am pretty sure by the end of this I will have gained 20941094 pounds. Not really. That's a joke.
We got back, and all of us had a "pitching party" where we talked about our ideas for films. My ideas are cool. I will post them later.
Now, it is 12:20. I am tired. All my roommates are going to bed, so I am too.
Good night!
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